Welcome Musicians

Learn more about what we do

 We love music, and we want to share this with the world. Our goal is to offer a platform for artists to promote themselves and their work, while also providing an opportunity for them to get feedback from their fans. If you are an artist or musician looking for a place where you can share your artistry with the world, then In D Music is just what you’ve been looking for!

This is the team

We are self-managed, self-owned and self-operated. We believe that we as musicians are responsible for everything that happens in music, not some random AI. This is why we created this project, in the hope that you will be heard by the people that matter most: fans


Producer, curator

25 years of music. Mixing and mastering engineer turned producer that also happens to play bass.

You can reach me out at: abergamo@bourbonblues.net


Awesome guitarrist, music connoisseur

From Heavy Metal to "The Blues" Fernz has played it all.
A music encyclopedia

You can contact Fernz here: fernz@bourbonblues.net

Jackie G.

She sings, she plays piano

A music scholar and connoisseur, from the classroom to the stage